Submit Here Choose Conference (required) : 39th RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business, 18-19 April 2025, Barcelona, Spain40th RSEP International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business, 23-24 May 2025, Paris, France41st RSEP International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance: Artifical Intelligence Approaches, 1-2 July 2025, Shanghai, China First Name & Family Name (required) E-mail (required) : Do You Want To Be Session Chair? (required) : YesNo Note: The chair will receive the certificate of chairing Participation Type - Online/On-site (required): Presentation Title (required) : Do you want to publish your full paper? (required) : NoConference ProceedingsRSEP JournalJRFM (Scopus Indexed) Title (required) : Ms.Mr.Prof.Asst.Prof.Dr. Institution (required) : Country (required) : Where did you see the conference advertisment? (required) : InomicsGoogleE-mailOther Abstract (Min. 100 - Max. 300 Words)( Please write all author's names) (required) : Keywords ( Min. 3 - Max. 5 words)(required) : Jel Codes (Min. 2)(required) :